InfoLIB: Construction an information-library interactive platform in the humanities
- Category: National Projects
- Participants: Nadezhda Tomova, Dimitrina Boyadzhieva, PhD Student Mimi Tosheva-Mazneva, Student Irena Ilieva, Student Neli Ninova, Student Dimitar Dimitrov, Student Angel Georgiev
- Library: Faculty of Library Science and Cultural Heritage
- Location: ULSIT
- Starting Year: 2020
Description of the project
ULSIT is the project beneficient.
Project Coordinator: Nadezhda Tomova
Project duration - 24 months
The project Info LIB : Construction an information-library interactive platform in the humanities" offers interdisciplinary fundamental research, which will result in the creation of a web-based platform that collects, structures and systematizes scientific reference literature within university education, and more specifically, for the needs of this project, which will digitize the available in the library fund and currently inaccessible information base. Thus, the project will create the conditions for overcoming the information limitations and dispersion and will offer a powerful tool for systematization and centralization of scientific reference literature in the humanities for the purposes of humanitarian education in the institution.
The main goal of the project is to search and study the available in the territory of UniBIT scientific reference literature in the humanities, to study, describe, systematize, digitize and build an information web platform).